Translations:Server Configuration/61/en

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File Content
Example: 1x Driver as Admin / 2 Drivers as Team
Property Description

"entries": [
"drivers": [
"playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx1"
"raceNumber": 88,
"forcedCarModel": -1,
"overrideDriverInfo": 0,
"isServerAdmin": 1
"drivers": [
"firstName": "First",
"lastName": "Driver",
"shortName": "NO1",
"driverCategory": 2,
"playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx3"
"firstName": "Another",
"lastName": "Person",
"shortName": "NO2",
"driverCategory": 1,
"playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx4"
"raceNumber": 114,
"forcedCarModel": -1,
"overrideDriverInfo": 0,
"defaultGridPosition": -1,
"ballastKg": 0,
"restrictor": 0,
"customCar": "exampleCar.json",
"overrideCarModelForCustomCar": 1,
"isServerAdmin": 0
"forceEntryList": 0

entries List of entries
drivers List of drivers, see next table. Must at least contain one driver with the SteamId
raceNumber The preferred race number add.
  • -1 if the driver may decide by picking his car.
  • other values: 1, 2, 3 .... 996, 997, 998
  • -1: the driver may pick which car to drive.
  • other values: ↓Car model list
overrideDriverInfo If set to 1, the driver’s name and category will be overridden by what is setup in the entry list. If set to 0, it’s up to the client joining.
customCar If set to a filename, the car, team and appearance will be used no matter what the user chose ( Exception: overrideCarModelForCustomCar ). This is useful for leagues and events, where we want consistent car appearance and the chosen car model for the corresponding driver/team. The custom car file has to be located in a “cars” folder next to the entrylist.json ( also works for centralEntryListPath ). Leave blank ( “”, =default ) to let the user chose the car via car selection UI.
overrideCarModelForCustomCar If customCar is used, this setting will apply the car model configured if the value is set to 1 (which is the default). If set to 0, all values except the carModel are applied, so the user is free to pick a car but while team name and appearance will be applied.
isServerAdmin If set to 1, that user will be automatically elevated to server admin when he joins.
defaultGridPosition If set to a value of 1 or greater, this car will obtain this grid position if a race starts without any qualifying session before ( e.g. P -> R ).
ballastkg Assigns ballast in kg for this car. Will be additive to ballast for the car model ( via bop.json ), and can be overridden by the admin command /ballast. Range is 0 to 100.
restrictor Assigns restrictor in % for this car. Will be additive to restrictor for the car model ( via bop.json ), and can be overridden by the admin command /restrictor. Range is 0 to 20.
forceEntryList Will reject drivers that are not in the entry list. Default is 0, which allows the partial definition of entries in a “normal” server configuration. Cannot be used on public servers.
For each entry in “drivers”, we will need at least the SteamId defining the entry. Other possible. values:
firstName First name of the driver, if “overrideDriverInfo” is set to 1
lastName Last name of the driver, if “overrideDriverInfo” is set to 1
shortName Short name of the driver, if “overrideDriverInfo” is set to 1
driverCategory Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum category, if “overrideDriverInfo” is set to 1.
playerID Steam64 Id for this client; Add a “S” in the front