Car Setups and Pitstop

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Car Setup

Choose Preset Setup

You have a choice of preset setups or you have the option to go directly to the currently setup:

  1. Safe Preset Setup
  2. Aggressive Preset Setup
  3. Wet Preset Setup
  4. Current Setup


Tire Pressures

File:Acc wiki carsetup engl 2.jpg
Current Setup / TAB Tires

The current psi values ​​are displayed in the tire app. In addition, it is visualized by the different heights of the three large beams. At the front wheels above and at the rear wheels below.

  • Drive 10 laps and watch the tire pressure. At the end of the curve and at the end of the longest straight.
  • good values are dry 28,0 - 28,5 psi and wet / cold ~30 psi
  • The default settings usually give you lower values. Increase the values in the tire setup menu to compensate for this difference.
  • drive a few more rounds and watch the psi values.

Tire temperatures bad.png Tire temperatures good.png

Tire Temperatures

In the tire app, the three temperature zones (OMI or IMO) are visualized by three bars. Their color areas change depending on the temperature. Turquoise - Blue - Light Green - Green - Orange - Red. The temperature values can be seen either in the cockpit (depending on the vehicle type) or in the setup menu

Property Values Description
Last Readings Snapshot of the states of your wheels
O M I / I M O 80 84 88 Temperatures (°C) of the Tires: (O)utside (M)iddle (I)nside or (I)nside (M)iddle (O)utside
psi hot 27.3 highest recorded pressure
wear 2.95 2.94 2.94 Degree of wear (O M I / I M O)
Tires Adjustments for your wheels / suspension
psi 25.2 psi Pressure when tire is not stressed
toe 0.2° the position of the wheel to the direction of travel
camber -4.1° the position of the wheel to the roadway /
caster -10.6° Only on the front wheels!


Current Setup / TAB Eletronics

Fuel and Strategy

File:Acc wiki carsetup engl 4.jpg
Current Setup / TAB Fuel and Strategy

Mechanical Grip

Current Setup / TAB Mechanical Grip


Current Setup / TAB Dampers


Current Setup / TAB Aero


A pit stop to refuel missing gas or repair damage is possible in practice, qualifying and racing. A driver can set his pit stop strategy in the vehicle setup ( Fuel and Strategy ) and change it while driving in the multifunction display ( MFD ). In a race without compulsory pit stop, the pit lane is opened when the leader of the race has finished the first lap. In the middle of the lower part of the screen the message of the race control is displayed: RCTL Pitlane is open

Server Configuration, see here: eventRules.json

Acc-wiki rctl pitlane ist open.jpg

Mandatory Pitstop

  • Variant 1: mandatory Pitstop possible throughout the race.
  • Variant 2: mandatory Pitstop Window is limited in time. ( Pitstop for damage repair always possible )
  • Example: Race: 18 min / Window: 6min = from 6. Minute to 12. Minute
    Acc-wiki rctl mpitstop open.jpg
  • What can be required for a mandatory pit stop?
    • refueling
    • change wheels
    • driver swap

Server Configuration, see here: →eventRules.json

Driver Swap

(in MP: Swapping the riders works, but the operation is not intuitive and faulty! Last time tested: 17.11.2019 ACCv1.1.2)

Pit / Driver Swap

Several drivers ( in Blanpain real: 4 ) can form a team. All drivers can be on the server. The waiting drivers are not considered spectators in the sense of →Spectator Mode.

Using the Pit strategy page in the ( M )ulti(F )unctional( D )isplay ( key: insert ), the driver can assign a driver swap which will be automatically executed during the next pitstop.

Server Configuration, see here: →eventRules.json and →entylist.json
