Custom cars

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ACC Custom Cars Handbook

This tutorial reflects my knowledge of this topic.

create File “entrylist.json”

create File “entrylist.json” in Folder “cfg”, with the following content:

{  "entries":[
{  "drivers": [
{  "playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx1"}
		"overrideDriverInfo": 0,
		"overrideCarModelForCustomCar": 1,
		"customCar": "exampleCar.json",
{  "drivers": [
{  "playerID": "S765611xxxxxxxxxx2"}
		"overrideDriverInfo": 0,
		"overrideCarModelForCustomCar": 1,
		"customCar": "exampleCar2.json",
... description
playerID SteamID from Driver, insert an "S" in front of it
overrideDriverInfo If set to 1, the driver’s name and category will be overridden by what is setup in the entry list. If set to 0, it’s up to the client joining.
overrideCarModelForCustomCar If "customCar" is used, this setting will apply the car model configured if the value is set to 1 ( which is the default ). If set to 0, all values except the "carModelType" are applied, so the user is free to pick a car but while team name and appearance will be applied
customCar If set to a filename, the car, team and appearance will be used no matter what the user chose ( Exception: “overrideCarModelForCustomCar” ). This is useful for leagues and events, where we want consistent car appearance and the chosen car model for the corresponding driver/team. The custom car file has to be located in a “cars” folder next to the entrylist.json ( also works for centralEntryListPath ). Leave blank ( “” = default ) to let the user chose the car via car selection UI.

create File “exampleCar.json”

  • create a Folder “cars” in Folder “cfg”
  • create exampleCar.json-File in Folder “cars”, with the following content:
"raceNumber": 12,
"carModelType": 3,
"useEnduranceKit": 1,
"cupCategory": 0,	
"skinTemplateKey": 103,
"sponsorId": 15,
"auxLightKey": 1,
"auxLightColor": 67,
"skinColor1Id": 345,
"skinColor2Id": 200,
"skinColor3Id": 125,
"skinMaterialType1": 1,
"skinMaterialType2": 3,
"skinMaterialType3": 1,
"rimColor1Id": 345,
"rimColor2Id": 200,
"rimMaterialType1": 1,
"rimMaterialType2": 1,
"teamName": "My Team",
"displayName": "",
"competitorName": ""
... description
raceNumber set a firm starting number, from 1 to 998 possible
carModelType enter the corresponding ID for the vehicle model - Car IDs / Skins IDs.

If the line "overrideCarModelForCustomCar" is in the entrylist.json and the value is set to "0", use vehicle from selection menu and all values ​​except "carModelType" are applied to it.

useEnduranceKit select Normal Bodykit = 0; Endurance-Bodykit = 1
cupCategory Driver drives in the Cup-Category: 0 = Alles ; 1 = ProAm ; 2 = Am ; 3 = Silver ; 4 = National
skinTemplateKey Choose a pattern for the selected vehicle model: Car IDs / Skins IDs
sponsorId Premade logos of major sponsors
auxLightKey ...
auxLightColor ...
skinColor1Id select Base-Color for state coach: Color and Material IDs
skinColor2Id select second Color for state coach: Color and Material IDs
skinColor3Id select third Color for state coach: Color and Material IDs
rimColor1Id select Base-Color for rim: Color and Material IDs
rimColor1Id select second Color for rims (ring ): Color and Material IDs
Standard = 0 ; mat = 1 to 3 ; gloss = 4 to 6
teamName Enter the name of your team here. The name is displayed in the HUD ( F2 ) table- and broadcast-view. bottom right next to the start number.
displayName ..
competitorName ...